Fri, Nov 18
The night of the owls in Rainbow
Night guided tour
Orario & Sede
Nov 18, 2022, 8:30 PM
Mantua, Prainbow
Always cloaked in mystery and superstition, these marvelous birds share rural but also urban spaces with human beings, very often giving us the opportunity to perceive their silent but tangible presence.
The event is realized with the contribution ofSouth Oglio Regional Park, and is conducted byMarco Mastrorilli, ornithologist specialized in the research and study of the ecology of nocturnal birds of prey, writer and environmental excursion guide. In 2015, he was also awarded as the best owl expert worldwide by the Global Owl Project.
The event will be held in Parcobaleno, in Viale Learco Guerra in Mantua, on Friday 18 November at 8.30pm.
For info: