Biology and ethology seminar
on the eagle owl and long-eared owl
edited by Marco Mastrorilli
6-7 February 2021
on the platform of
Presso Casalpina Rocciamelone
Tre giorni indimenticabili alla scoperta dei gufi...
sul Sentiero dei Gufi!
Un percorso magico a due passi da Torino
Saturday 6 February - from 09.30 to 13.30
Sunday 7 February - from 09.30 to 13.30
8 total hours of lessons
The video lessons will be held live with Zoom.
You will be assisted via e-mail by the teacher who will help you at any time.
Se you are absent for 4 hours on one of the two days or both, it is not a problem because you can also follow the course on-demand or recorded watching it as if it were your best TV series.
– Systematic introduction: Strigiformes
– The Eagle Owl and the Long Eared Owl
– Notes on Morphology and biology
– Identification: the pens, the wads.
– The selection of the reproductive site by these two Owls
– Habitats
– Song of long-eared owl and eagle owl characters, identification
– The diet and trophic system of these two species
– The conservation of these two species
– How to census them, monitor them in the wild and photograph them
The course will be supported by a vast review of images and videos that will reveal all the secrets to easily see these two species in the various environments.
An exclusive dossier is available for trainees that can be downloaded in PDF.
The guides Aigae are entitled to a 10% discount in addition to AIGAE training credits.
All participants will receive a certificate of participation in the course​
La quota di partecipazione comprende il corso, i pernottamenti e i pasti.
Iscriviti subito, i posti sono limitati!
LECTURER: Marco Mastrorilli
Born in Milan on December 29, 1967, he is a writer, ornithologist and environmental excursion guide, specialized in the research and study of the ecology of nocturnal birds of prey.
In 2015 in Minnesota he was honored by the Global Owl Project as the best owl expert in the world for that year and was inducted into the prestigious World Owl Hall of Fame.
He has written and published 23 books (some being translated abroad) with 12 different publishers. He has won several international literary awards and is the author of hundreds of popular articles in Italian and foreign magazines and newspapers and boasts over 50 scientific articles. Guest in many radio and television broadcasts (Geo, Uno Mattina, Sereno Variabile ...), he organizes exhibitions, conferences and courses throughout Italy.
Artistic director of the Festival of owls ® (with a record peak of 25,000 visitors) and of the Festival of cats®. He designed and built Il Sentiero dei Gufi, the first hiking trail in the world dedicated to Alpine nocturnal birds of prey in the Susa Valley (Piedmont).
President of the Italian Civette Group, he organizes the European Night of the Owl in Italy as national coordinator.
His site is and his YouTube channel is called Owltube is a point of reference for Owl lovers.
4-5-6 ottobre 2024
in località Bar Cenisio - Comune di Venaus - Torino ​​​
Presso Casalpina Rocciamelone